Years ago, you may have seen Roy work with his Border Collies at one of the locations listed below. In his show, he put his sheep and ducks through a course demonstrating herding with dogs in varying stages of training, i.e. beginner, intermediate and advanced. Lucy, Otis, Duncan and Scottie are just 4 dogs you may have seen at work. Roy liked to involve the children of the audience as well, selecting 6 to stand in a row while his dogs were directed to weave his ducks around them. The next challenge for the dogs was to put the ducks through a course of ramps, slides and culverts. When the show was over, Roy enjoyed letting his audience visit with him and the dogs.

Roy no longer does public herding demonstrations or training clinics, BUT if you buy a puppy from him he will help you get them started on sheep.
Prince Co Exhibition Alberton, P E I |
Old Home Week Charlottetown, P E I |
Annapolis Valley Exhibition, Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia |
Shelburne exhibition Shelburne N. S. |
Cape Breton Co. Exhibition North Sydney |
Berwick Gala Day Berwick, NS |
Maritime Fall Fair Halifax N S |
South Shore Exhibition, Bridgeewater, N. S. |
Old Home week Woodstock N. B. |
Western Nova Scotia Exhibition Yarmouth N. S. |
Hants County Exhibition Windsor N. S. |
Napan Fair Napan N. B. |
Digby County Exhibition Bear River N. S. |
Cumberland County Exhibition Oxford N. S. |
Eastern Nova Scotia Exhibition Antigonish N. S. |
Queens County Exhibition Caledonia N. S. |
Westmorland County Fair Petitcodiac N. B. |
Port Elgin Agricultural Fair Port Elgin N. B. |
Kent County Fair St. Marie-de-Kent N. B. |
Albert County Faif Albert N. B. |
Miramichi Agricultural Ex. Miramichi N. B. |
Atlantic National Ex. Saint John N. B. |